Week 11: Junji Ito

When it comes to the horror genre in manga, Junji Ito works are always my go-to and it never disappoints. His style stands out as grotesque, expressive, and very unnatural but believable at the same time. It's almost he captures all the images we used to have in our nightmares and brings it on paper. A lot of his works are more short stories which every chapter is another scenario of a different person's experience. The characters are given a general idea of who they are and what they do in the beginning. Then the story progresses a somewhat normal life, giving subtle hints of the horror that is about to come. And in the end, it goes from 0 to 100 real quick, always resulting in a shocking scenery. Not only is his art incredible but the true beauty of his work is, it's making us question how and why these people turn this way and his work express the monster some of us all have inside.


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